adventures in electronica


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Back In Town

July 2021

Ladies and gentlemen, my new album Back In Town is here. Songs about spiritual adventures, community and good times.
Get the album on my bandcamp page

In 2013 Marc Thiele asked me to join his wonderful conference Beyond Tellerrand. I came up with this concept of audio-sketchnotes, sampling the speakers and incorporating the samples into my music. And to get everybody into the right mood I started to write so called theme songs. Songs especially for the crowd of Beyond Tellerrand to get everyone on the same page. So the songs and the lyrics are a direct reflection on the beautiful community that gathers at these special events. But these tracks have become so much more. Originally for the Beyond Tellerrand crowd they now invite each and everyone to join the party and share this special spirit. So put your dancing shoes on because: Boys and girls we are back in town.

Mr. Marc Thiele

December 2020

This one is for my friend Marc Thiele. He runs the conference BEYOND TELLERRAND. For 2020 he had planned to have three of his lovely get-togethers in Düsseldorf, Berlin and Munich. Due to Corona all three were cancelled. This is tragic. For one thing Marc couldn't bring his wonderful community together which is always a treat. The other thing is that he didn't make any money this year. Kind of uncool especially if you have a family to take care of.
So this little video is a reminder of what we were missing out on. It's a tribute to Marc’s talents and his vocation. He is a connector, a talent attractor. It's a sort of a prayer for better times where we can share a common belief in one room. Plus I realized that I've never sampled Marc. So it was about time.
Thank you so much to Florian Ziegler for providing the photos and being so uncomplicated and to Stefan Nitzsche for this one extra photo. And a final thank you to Hugh Elliott and Stefan Grambart of the podcast CAN'T SELL THIS for letting me use their episode with Marc allowing me to sample him.


August 2020

San Francisco - what a beautiful city. One day I will be back.

A fun Experiment

June 2020

SOMA LABORATORY is a fantastic synth company. They provided a fabulous set of samples and asked their fans to come up with a track. That's exactly what's happening here. The track was composed by only utilizing a selection of the supplied samples - no other sounds were used. Everything was assembled and performed with my beloved Octatrack. The SOMA samples had a wonderful dirty quality and so it was a real pleasure to come up with this track.
It was a creative search, a labour of love, it was:
The SOMA Experiment


Theme Songs

Speaker Songs

Visuals and Imagery

Here are some videos where I provided the music

Titles for the the BEYOND TELLERRAND conference in Düsseldorf

Titles for the BEYOND TELLERRAND conference in Berlin

Titles for the NIGHTLY BUILD conference in Cologne

Titles for the SCRIPT 19 conference in Linz

Titles for the BEYOND TELLERRAND conference in Düsseldorf

Recap for the BEYOND TELLERRAND conference in Düsseldorf

Recap for the BEYOND TELLERRAND conference in Düsseldorf

Titles for the BEYOND TELLERRAND conference in Berlin

How bizarre

September 2017

Baldower liveIn October I'll be playing at the sexy KITKAT Club in Berlin along with DJ HIMSELF and friends. This one's going to be bizarre. Join us for a totally crazy night out.

Show us the way

September 2017

It's dark, the lights are bright and the owl is showing us the way. Yes Sir, it's Nightly Build all over again. Bruce Lawson is back with his unique sense of humor, grilling the speakers on his infamous Sofa Of Interrogation. Thank you boys for a great night.

This is the summit

August 2017

Gimme some more. It's always a good feeling when something grows. So the Conversion Summit converted into a bigger event changing it's very own name along the way. We even got a taste of fame and fandom when business guru Gary Vaynerchuk joined the ranks. Let me tell you: this is the summit!

a bonafide connection

May 2017

We connect: Someone saw me in Düsseldorf and booked me for Frankfurt. Someone saw me in Frankfurt and booked me for Zurich. What a beautiful city. I had a blast in Switzerland and wrote this summer hit. We connect, we connect. That is perfection, yes it's a true connection. Check it out.

Take me out of Bounds

May 2017

Take me, take me out of bounds. Spin me, spin me round and round. Let's join the circus, the community in D-dorf. This is the idea exchange that is called Beyond T. You know what I'm talking about. Put on the red lights and bring it on.

Ready to get down

November 2016

Let's get cracking, start the countdown, three, two, one, we are back in town, hit the ground running, ready to get down. Boys and girls we are back in town. That's right. We are looking beyond again. This is Beyond Tellerrand in Berlin at the marvelous Admiralspalast. We had a blast.

Baldower Is back in town

October 2016

Baldower liveWe all had such a wonderful time in July dancing the night away. So, everybody: It's party time again. Because Baldower is back in town.
Join me at Prinz Albert in Düsseldorf. Admission is free. Bring on the good times!

Baldower Live

June 2016

Baldower liveYes! I'll be playing at the Prinz Albert in Düsseldorf. Admission is free. Join the good times!

Sky scraping madness

September 2016

It's this time of the year: From Frankfurt's sky scraping madness back to the holy spirits of Cologne's cathedral. Let's all learn how to properly convert at the one and only Conversion Summit. And then let's get lost in the marvelous ideas of Nightly Build.

the funny troll

June 2016

His existence is simple: he serves to entertain and amuse. Mr Bingo is an awesome illustrator with a knack for trolling. At Beyond Tellerrand he told the crowd all about his hate-mail art project. This is his song

All the people

May 2016

The Beyond crew was back in town. We came, we talked and we rocked Düsseldorf. Because all the people, every person, anybody, everyone, wants to be, wants to see, wants to go the distance, Beyond Tellerrand. That's right. Go ahead and check it out

Amazing revelations

November 2015

Back at the marvelous Admiralspalast in Berlin with Beyond Tellerrand. And I've got a new theme song up my sleeve. It comes with extensive lyrics about the struggle of creativity. I've been a detective of the soul that got caught between the lines. It's a Discovery


October 2015

The organizers of NIGHTLY BUILD - a bunch of really nice people - have picked a name for their conference that really gets my imagination going. So for their theme song I sat down, wrote some lyrics and came up with a composition that a friend of mine placed in the imaginary genre named "electronic opera". To find out what exactly he means by that I suggest you simply follow the link right here.

For those of you who are the more visually inclined kind of folks, I have a shorter version combined with some really great imagery. It's the titles of course. And it goes like this:

To Make the right connection

September 2015

The conference CONVERSION SUMMIT in Frankfurt has been around for a couple of years. One of the organizers saw me at the BEYOND TELLERRAND in spring, liked what he heard and decided to book me for their event in the fall. I guess that's the best compliment one can get. Thank you very much. I was honored. So much, that I came up with one of my best theme songs so far. I had a blast, I rocked the venue. I have the best job in the world. Here is the song.

Makin' it super fancy

May 2015

When Rachel Nabors started her talk at the BEYOND TELLERRAND 2015 with the words "I stayed up extra late, makin' it super fancy just for you" I knew right away that she not only had presented me with a wonderful hookline for a song but also with a new life motto. So I gave it my very best to come up with a super fancy song just for you. Turn up your speakers because here is
Blank Page - Makin' It Super Fancy (feat. Rachel Nabors)

You, Me, Them, Us, Everybody, Everybody

May 2015

We were back at the wonderful Capitol Theater in Düsseldorf for the latest BEYOND TELLERRAND experience. Such a treat to serve the crowd my latest compositions. Naturally I had a brandnew theme song up my sleeve. Put on your dancing shoes for here it is.

Happy on a scale from zero to ten

March 2015

He is a master graphic designer, did album artwork for Lou Reed, the Rolling Stones, David Byrne, Aerosmith and put together the art exhibition "The Happy Show" touring the US and Canada.
I'm talking about Stefan Sagmeister. For ten years he's been researching the subject happiness. At the BEYOND TELLERRAND BERLIN he told us with his lovely Austrian accent everything about his findings and conclusions. It comes as no surprise that I had to make a song out of it.
His reaction to the tune "Hahahahahahah! This is hilarious! Thank you! Wonderful!" My guess: on a scale from zero to ten this is a perfect ten.

Into the wild

February 2015

New stuff coming your way. I've just released two new instrumentals into the wilderness of the www. Let Me Explain, it's the Twilight Traveller.

Electric current, a trigger in the head

November 2014

The location is set, the welcome speech rehearsed, the lights go down and the people come in: yes, everybody, it's time for a new theme song. An artificial children's choir and a philosophical robot are having a get-together with the architects of time. Check it out.

Exciting days in Berlin

November 2014

What a show. BEYOND TELLERRAND again. This time, for the fist time in Berlin at the marvelous Admiralspalast in the heart of the city. Sold out - this seems to be the new default with the BYConf these days.
I had a wonderful spot on the stage where I could share my songs and spirit with everybody perfectly. And boy, did the music get me. It was awesome, I had such a great time, singing, dancing, shouting and getting busy with my midi controllers - speaking of which: my very own custom made controller, build by a genius kid from my neighborhood made it's stage debut.
My performance was rewarded by an overwhelming positive feedback from the audience. Thank you guys. You really are a fantastic community. And thanks to all the write up writers for mentioning me, I'm honored. Let me give you some examples:
Lisa Larson-Kelly, Eden Spiekermann, Denkwerk, Susanne Studt, Martin Kohlhaas

We're nightly build

September 2014

Isn't that a wonderful name for a conference: nightly build. OK, I know it's a term in the programming business. But in my case it gets my poetic imagination going. I had the honor of being a part of this brand new conference in Cologne.

This is where the fun starts

June 2014

As promised here is the first song of the wonderful BEYOND TELLERRAND 2014 conference. This time I didn't plan on remixing the talks into music. But master doodler Jon Burgerman personally asked me for a take on his talk promising me to "sanction it". I was only familiar with that term in connection with South Africa in the 80's. "No, no, he said, I mean I will promote it." I didn't have much of a choice after that. So there you go:
The Only Way To Test A Theory

The Boy is back in town

May 2014

It's been a while. A year to be exact. Again I had the honor to be a part of the excellent BEYOND TELLERRAND conference. It was a sold out show, woo hoo. Due to his busy schedule my partner Fred applied for a leave of absence which I graciously granted. Yes, I'm such a nice guy. This means this time I did it all by myself.
Thank you for all the great compliments during the two days. Jon Burgerman kept asking: who is that strange guy with the computer and headphones by the side of the stage. Someone finally resolved the confusion: he is sampling the speakers and turns it into a live mix. So Jon walked up to me and kindly asked for a remix of his talk, promising to spread the word via his various world wide accounts and thus guaranteeing fame and fortune. How could I resist.
So that's what I'm working on right now. And to quote Mr Burgerman himself :
the only way to test a theory, is to do it!

2 songs / 7 days

August 2013

Excitement! We've just finished our album BEYOND TELLERRAND. Now we are ready to launch. Over the course of a week we'll be putting two songs per day on the web via soundcloud. After that we'll make the whole album available as a download.
2 songs / 7 days -> Let's go!

baldower on soundcloud

Almost Ready To Roll

July 2013

We are working feverishly on our first album. We had the pleasure of being a part of the BEYOND TELLERRAND conference, sampling the speakers and coming up with ad hoc compositions. It's these tracks that we are finetuning right now. We are very excited.
While the lyrical starting points are subjects like web, design and coding, the songs have turned into far more. Now we are talking about life, the universe and our dreams. It's interesting how words have their own way when they are mixed with music.
To wet your appetite we give you the recap video with a brandnew song of ours:

Please stay tuned for more to come.

Makes sense

December 2012

Having done the music for the titles of BEYOND TELLERRAND 2012 it made sense to round up the experience by providing the music to the recap video. Here it is.

Sounds and Music

November 2012

Marc Thiele, organizer of the wonderful BEYOND TELLERRAND conference called me up and asked: would you do the music for the titles of the upcoming November conference? Who can resist Marc, who is one of the nicest guys on the planet. Besides coming up with the music I also turned myself into a foley artist. So much fun I can tell you.